What is Horizontal Directional Drilling?
Horizontal Directional Drilling, also known as HDD, utilizes an operator machine that allows for pipe to be placed underground. By using this protocol it eliminates the area above the borehole from being dug up to place pipe, conduit, or cables all the way to the exit side. Most energy and utility companies utilize this method in urban areas to avoid sewer, water, and tunnels from being compromised.
How Does Directional Drilling Work?
We specialize in consulting in choosing and actually installing doing theĀ of both full-cycle batteries.
Over the past five years, we have become recognized by many as the experts of the industry.
Business Services
Our HDD Services will be professional, and appropriate for your company.
Fluid Program
Our fluid program has been used for over five years. Several clients will tell you that we save them money on projects using our formula.